Therapy Resources
I need immediate help...
Crisis Helplines & Emergency Support:
Talk Suicide: 1-833-456-4566 or "Offers toll-free support to people in Canada who have concerns about suicide. Phone line available 24/7 or text 45645 between 4 p.m. and midnight EST."
Distress and Crisis Ontario: "Distress Centres (DC’s) across Ontario offer support and a variety of services to their communities. At a DC you can find a listening ear for lonely, depressed, and/or suicidal people, usually 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The website also offers a chat function."
ConnexOntario: 1-866 -531-2600 or "Free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental health and/or gambling. Available 24/7."
Good2Talk Helpline: 1-866-925-5454 or text GOOD2TALKON to 686868. Ontario’s 24/7 helpline for postsecondary students.
Addictions and Mental Health Services - KFLA: AMHS-KFLA crisis programs provide urgent and immediate response to individuals experiencing emotional or mental distress.
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868. Youth mental health support available 24/7.
LGBT Q+ Youthline Ontario: 647-694-4275 + (chat, text and email currently available).
Assaulted Women’s Helpline: TOLL-FREE: 1-866-863-0511; TOLL FREE TTY: 1-866-863-7868; #SAFE (#7233) on your Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus Mobile
Seniors Safety Line: 1-866-299-1011
Immediate Virtual & Phone Therapy:
What's Up Walk-In: Phone line for children, youth, young adults, and their families to receive free and immediate support.
Counselling Connect (Ottawa & Surrounding Area): Free counselling sessions and support groups, no waiting list.
Immediate Walk-in Counselling:
Walk-In Counselling Clinic Ottawa: Immediate walk-in support across Ottawa; check out the link to find locations and hours.
What's Up Walk-In (Toronto): Immediate walk-in support accross Toronto for children, youth, young adults, and their familis. Please check out the link to find locations and hours.
Addictions and Mental Health Services (Kingston): Walk-in services, free ongoing counselling services, social service and justice support, support groups, and specialized addiction care.
I need affordable therapy...
Virtual & In-Person:
Affordable Therapy Network: Low cost (under $65) and sliding scale ($70-$120) rates available in cities across Canada.
Open Path Collective: Nonprofit with sessions between $40-$70 ($30 for students) in cities across Canada.
Saint Paul Counselling Centre: Up to 30 appointments per person, with sliding scale & low cost rates for those residing in Ottawa.
The Counselling Group (JFS): Many counselling programs available, for children, individuals, couples, and families. Including counselling in: English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
Addictions and Mental Health Services - KFLA: Walk-in services, free ongoing counselling services, social service and justice support, support groups, and specialized addiction care.
I need online resources...
Free Programs:
BounceBack: "A free, guided self-help program that’s effective in helping people aged 15 and up who are experiencing mild-to-moderate anxiety or depression, or may be feeling low, stressed, worried, irritable or angry."
DBT: Dialectical behavioural therapy; "A free course for taking control of your thoughts, emotions, and relationships. 40+ lessons with guides, videos, and worksheets."
Breaking Free Online: "A free online therapy tool designed to help Ontarians ages 16 and older reduce or stop the use of over 70 substances, such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs, including opioids."
Mind Beacon: Free mental health support for all Ontario residents. Its program is based in CBT.
Concurrent Disorders Capacity Building Team: Free drop in group meetings for various support needs.
I need intimate partner violence & violence against women resources...
Across Ontario:
Ontario Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 24 hour, 1(866) 863-0511 TTY 1(866) 863-7868. "Get 24/7 crisis counselling and referrals to shelters, legal advice and other help."
Ottawa Collective to End Violence Against Women: Extensive list of resources, including crisis shelters, crisis phone and text support, police numbers, counselling, and more.
Anti-Violence Program at Family Services Ottawa: 613-725-3601 ext 117. "Counselling services for women (cis and trans) who are experiencing or have experienced intimate partner violence." Providing: Individual counselling; support groups; transitional support program (including help with accessing shelters and lawyers, assistance with housing applications and financial assistance, and more); as well as support programs for child witnesses of abuse.
KFL&A Community Supports for Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence: Extensive list of resources, including crisis support lines, shelters, ongoing trauma support resources, and more.
Kingston Interval House: 24 HOUR CRISIS LINE: (613) 546-1777 OR 1(800) 267-9445. Incredible hub of support for those in the area; providing 24/7 support via crisis line and via a safe shelter for women and their children.
I need specialized support...
Ask me to help refer you.
Therapists are always in networks with other therapists. I can do my best to lead you in the direction of more specialized support. Contact me!